Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tosha + Greg: Harveston Community

It is always the best when I get asked to take pictures of members of my own family. I was especially excited when my cousin Tosha emailed to have pictures done of her, her husband Greg, and their four "fur kids" (as she calls them), Aimee, Rascal, Allie, and Bella. Tosha and Greg's story is one that is unlike many of us. They cherish everyday unlike many of us who take every day for granted. Early on in their relationship, Greg was diagnosed with cancer, after overcoming it with surgery, it came back two years later, after they thought they were cancer-free. Once they got married they had to post pone their honeymoon due to Chemotherapy and sickness. Greg and Tosha overcame his cancer and continued their love story. They are some of the strongest people I have ever met. Greg continues to be cancer-free for the past 5 years.

Greg and Tosha have always deeply desired to expand their family. Because of his cancer and chemotherapy, they had to take an alternative pathway of doing in vitro fertalization. Tosha and Greg have gone through a whirlwind of emotions through cancer, finally getting pregnant and loosing twins, and continuing to try many times to conceive and failing. Because of the cost and lengthly process, they have decided to be ok with not being able to conceive. From this hardship they have continued to love eachother more and more each day and have transplanted the love that they would ever have had for their child to their "fur kids". This painful journey has produced such strength and it shines through the joy that they share with their friends and family every day. I love Tosha and Greg so much and had so much fun hanging out with them and their little family. Thank you for letting me share your amazing story with others. For more details regarding Tosha & Greg's journey check out their personal website:
















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